Satyam Singh

Software Developer intern @FCC / FAC | B.Sc. Student in CS @ University of Regina | DMZ fellow | 25 x Hackathon Winner | UR CIRCLE OF SCHOLARS | ex - PushProtocol, Froker | VP @UofRCybersecurity club | Project lead @URGDSC




Junior Full Stack Developer Intern

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May 2024 - present

I designed and upgraded the team's platform from a ULC-based system to an Angular and Java Spring Boot web application. Collaborating with a team of seven, this upgrade increased efficiency by 900%.

To streamline the code deployment process across respective environments, I utilized AWS and the Jenkins CI/CD pipeline.

Push Protocol (previously EPNS)

Software Developer

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Jun 2023 - Apr 2024

I engineered a Kotlin SDK designed for the seamless integration of notifications, chat, and group chat features. This SDK is accompanied by comprehensive documentation to aid developers in its implementation.

In addition, I developed a developer-friendly UI npm package using TypeScript and ReactJS. This package allows for the seamless integration of chat and group chat functionalities with just a few lines of code. As a result, the time required to integrate the protocol into any application decreased by 2400%, and the number of downloads for the package increased by 190%.

Push Protocol (previously EPNS)

Software Developer Intern

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Apr 2023 - Jun 2023

I seamlessly integrated Push Protocol into projects like Lenster using NextJs and TypeScript. By adhering to their established code structure and maintaining a robust architectural framework, this integration provided chat access to over 100,000 users.

Additionally, I collaborated on enhancing a React Native SDK with a group chat feature. This enhancement was designed for developers to easily integrate group chat functionality into their DApps, resulting in a 480% increase in weekly downloads.


Software Developer Intern

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Jan 2023 - Apr 2023

I collaborated with the founders to develop a comprehensive app using NodeJs, ExpressJs, MongoDB, Redis, and React Native, while managing scalable infrastructure.

I implemented AWS-hosted infrastructure and utilized Nginx for load balancing, which reduced server response time by 40% and resolved 78% of user-reported issues within 24 hours.



TODO: Update description.


A virtual checkout platform in your phone, say bye to long checkout lines and hello to convinience in convinience stores using SKAAP, built SKAAP at 24Hrs Startup Hackathon and won 9000$ in total as first prize.

Shark Tank

A web based 3D online multiplayer game built using ThreeJs, SocketIo, NodeJs, ExpressJs and EJS.


A browser extension to help people retain there text content from tabs they closed intentionally or unintentionally.


A browser automation tool in a discord bot that can do anything from making a tweet to scraping huge platforms if it's given the time and information.

TODO: Add rest of the projects too

I have built more then 50 working projects till now, will add them soon.